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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

CapTex Tri 2011

On Monday I competed in the Cap Tex Triathlon in downtown Austin. I have participated in this event before and I was excited to be racing this challenging course again. Little did I know what a challenge it would be. I was racing with Team Endure (formerly Veterans for Sarcoma), a team started by my brother's friend Kirk who was in military when he found out he had sarcoma. He almost lost his leg to sarcoma but he came back fighting and now competes in tris and raises money for sarcoma research and families dealing with sarcoma. The Cap Tex Tri is one of two races on our Battle Card for little PJ, a 4 year old who has been battling sarcoma for almost a year. He just finished up 6 months of chemo treatments and to date the team has raised almost $6000 for him and his family. CANCER SUCKS! (Kirk's motto)

I was a little tenative going in to the race for a few reasons- I haven't raced a tri since Longhorn in October of 2010, I had a wicked case of bronchitis two weeks ago (102 fever, horrible cough, etc.) and the latest factor- increasing winds. I went for an easy ride on Sunday morning and even then the winds were starting to gust. I looked at the forecast for Monday- high of 96 and winds 25-35mph with gusts near 40! That is murder on the bike and can cause the swim portion to be canceled if the water is too choppy. The weather combined with Austin hills had the potential for a tough race.

Race morning was pretty usual- up SUPER early (like 4:20am) and out the door to caravan with the team. We arrived at the Palmer Events Center Parking Garage right about 6:00am which left 45 minutes to complete transition. Every time I have a race, I set everything out for transition the night before and double/triple check that morning to make sure I have everything I need for the race. Glad I did because I originally didn't pack socks for the run! That would NOT have been fun. This race used a new system called Tri Tat for numbers, labels and even temporary tattoos for your race number. That way the only thing you needed from body marking was your age on your calf. I personally didn't like the tattoos as they were sticky and hard to get off. But I guess they stayed on though water, sunscreen and sweat. I set up my transition, although I didn't have much space. The girl next to me had a HUGE duffle bag set out for her transition and our bike rack was VERY crowded. It was open racking in your age group and I got there early but lots of other people crowded on the rack. Oh well, I don't need much space. I pumped up my tires, cliped in my shoes and set up my run gear. I'm good to go. I saw my friends Jason Levin, who raced his FIRST EVER Olympic Tri, Jeff and Mare Schaberg, as well as lots of my Team Endure friends. It was a fun time in transition.

After helping my dad figure out how the relay would work (he was SO worried about it...mind you my dad is 70 and still runs...a lot!), we headed over to help Kirk and company set up the tent. My mom was out to cheer us on so she was greatful to have the tent and a comfortable folding chair to sit in. My wave didn't start until 8:18 (and then I found out they were running 12 minutes behind!) so I had a lot of waiting. I hate waiting. It only makes me more nervous. Grr. Anyway, I headed down to the water with my wetsuit half on. I realized once I got down to the water, I forgot to put on Glide to keep the wetsuit from rubbing in places. I would come to regret that. The time actually passed pretty quickly as I made casual conversation with other athletes in my wave. I had heard the water was 73-74 and I was starting to regret the wetsuit (even though it was still cool enough to be wetsuit legal). But once I jumped in off the dock, I was REALLY glad I had it. It was NOT 73-74. It was more like 70-71 in my book! The water was also filled with lots of sea/lakeweed. YUCK! And we are off. I liked this swim course...keep the bouys to your right. Well, I tend to veer right anyway so I had no problem hugging the bouys. I hit a few with my hand and even got inside of them a few times. On the back stretch the wind really started to pick up and at one point I went to breathe and got a mouth full of lake water. BIGGER YUCK! That made the back half of the swim rough...well that and the fact that I have only swam 2-3 times this season! He-he. Anyway, out of the water in about 31.5 minutes...not my best but not bad, all things considered.

As I was getting out of the water, I had lots of people helping me up the boat ramp and one of them pulled down the strap on my wetsuit. As I am running towards the wetsuit strippers (what a great job title!), I am pulling the wetsuit down to my waist and taking off my cap and goggles. For those of you who have never done a tri, coming out of the water and trying to run is the WEIRDEST feeling in the world. You are going from horizontal to vertical and your heart rate, which is already high, JUMPS up! Its almost dreamlike. Anway, I got to the wetsuit strippers and before I could even lay down they had my wetsuit on my waist and as soon as I hit the deck, it was pretty much off. The pulled me back up and I was off.

I keep forgetting that this transition is a long on with lots of dirt, pebbles, gravel and other nasty things. I don't mind dirty feet (I ride barefoot and run though transition barefoot as my shoes are clipped into my bike already), but this was ROUGH. I got started pretty well as far as getting into my shoes but as I started the bike course, I had NOTHING in my legs. It normally takes me .5-1 mile to get my legs under me once I get on the bike but it took me the better part of 4 miles to really feel good. The wind was a factor right of the bat. Cross wind blowing me around on the 1st street bridge. Going up Congress was uphill and the crosswind to contend with . The worst of the hills are around the side of the Capital building. I'm pretty sure I used EVERY gear on my bike during this ride. I know I hit my granny gear going up some hills (into the wind!). And I hit 27+mph going down some hills (which was scary with a gusts of crosswind). The thing that made this course even tougher was it was a 4 loop course. So I didn't have to contend with those hills once but FOUR TIMES! The wind really took a beating on me. Not my best bike, at all. I think I averaged about 14.x on the bike...not good.

As I rolled into T2 to get ready to run, my feet felt like ground beef. All that barefoot running on my uncallused feet was starting to catch up with me. My feet were really dirty so I tried to wipe them off as best I could before putting on my socks and shoes. Off to run. Or some reasonable faxsimile thereof! It was still really windy and now it was down right HOT! My water that was frozen in my water bottle was hot and gross. I pretty much just drank the water on the course as it was cool. Not ice cold but better than what I had. I ended up walking about 60-70% of the run course due to the heat, my ground beef feet, and a wicked cramp that had started in my glute and worked its way down my hamstring into my calf. I know this was becuase I was behind on my salts. I had a bottle with 4 scoops of Ironman Perform on the bike but I now know I need to start hitting the salt sticks/caps when it is this hot. I also had a Gu on the Bike and on the Run but still, not enough sodium/potassium/etc.

So I finished, and that is about all I can say. It wasn't pretty but I made it happen. I got my medal more importantly, we raised money and awareness for sarcoma. And, like with every race, I learned a few things.

1. Might help to pick up the training a bit. :)

2. Salt sticks/caps need to be my friend. I will start experimenting with that in my training this summer.

3. WIND SUCKS. But...there is nothing you can do about it. I have to make myself get out there and traing in all conditions becuase no one knows what race day will bring.

The next race on my calendar is the Waco Tri in mid/late July. I did this race last year and I really enjoyed it. After that I plan on 1-2 more Olympics, maybe TriGirl Sprint in August (if my 13 year old niece decides to do it) and then Longhorn in October!

And then...the big one!