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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fundraising Material is Ready!

Want to help me in my fundraising without donating another penny yourself? Do you have a business, place or worship or other community location with a board for posting? I now have full color poster/fliers as well as business cards with a link to my donation page (which is www.active.com/donate/texasironman2012). Email me at sabs35@comcast.net if you would like fundraising material to post in your place of business, worship or community center. I would love to run out of material and have to print more!

I also want to give a shout-out to the following businesses that will soon be proudly displaying my poster: Bella Salon in Katy, Bike Barn (all 6 locations), Stitch Designs, and Ft. Bend Rheumatology.

That's all for now. Training updates coming soon!


  1. Sabs, Saw our Pedi yesterday. His RA was flaring up really badly and I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I told him about your IronMan and he was very interested. He's Dr. Razak at TCPA Cinco Ranch. See if they will let you put up some info there. :-)

  2. Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it.
